100 & Under Application Fee $25
Thank you for your 100 & Under Sale Application! Here's how to pay your application fee:
Pay by cheque...
Please print a copy of your emailed confirmation message and include it with your cheque.
Your cheque should be made out to the West Carleton Arts Society and mailed to:
West Carleton Arts Society
Kathryn Sauvé
36 Harrington Ct
Ottawa, ON K2K 2S7
DEADLINE for full payment once accepted is: September 11, 2020. Full payment will be required by October 7, 2020.
Pay by eTransfer...
If you prefer to pay by eTransfer, please send your payment to: [email protected]
Pay by cheque...
Please print a copy of your emailed confirmation message and include it with your cheque.
Your cheque should be made out to the West Carleton Arts Society and mailed to:
West Carleton Arts Society
Kathryn Sauvé
36 Harrington Ct
Ottawa, ON K2K 2S7
DEADLINE for full payment once accepted is: September 11, 2020. Full payment will be required by October 7, 2020.
Pay by eTransfer...
If you prefer to pay by eTransfer, please send your payment to: [email protected]
Or you may pay your application fee with PayPal: